Diamond McCarthy’s diverse experience in the Asia Pacific includes significant cross-border litigation and anti-trust disputes with damages ranging from hundreds of millions to billions of dollars investigating and pursuing financial institutions, corporations and professional service firms in China, Taiwan, Japan, and others.

**Diamond McCarthy lawyers are licensed to practice law in US jurisdictions and courts and some international jurisdictions (as indicated on the bio for each individual). Otherwise, we draw on our network of lawyers that are licensed locally in each respective matter.**
Significant Representative Experience:
Philippines – Acted as global lead litigation counsel to the provincial government of Marinduque, Philippines against Barrick Gold in connection with one of the largest toxic environmental disasters in the world for environmental cleanup costs and other damages of approximately $1 billion. We lead litigation in the United States (Las Vegas, Nevada) and in Manila, Philippines (as well actions in Canada) and took various issues in the case to the United States Supreme Court, The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit and the Supreme Court of the Philippines.
China & Singapore – Acted on behalf of a global Chinese construction conglomerate providing advice and consultation in a Singapore based ICC international arbitration involving breaches of contract and other claims related to the construction of a 300 megawatt power plant in Guatemala.
Taiwan – Howrey LLP – Appointed by the US Department Of Justice, Allan Diamond, managing partner and founder of Diamond McCarthy, acted as the Chapter 11 Trustee for the Howrey LLP law firm bankruptcy estate to wind down the global operations and oversee the recovery and monetization of its assets, including litigation claims. Howrey LLP is one of the largest law firm bankruptcies in US history with over 750 lawyers and offices throughout the world in Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Recovered upwards of a hundred million dollars for the Howrey bankruptcy estate to date.
Japan – Acted for financial institution based in Tokyo, Japan in connection with cross-border litigation proceedings in NYC and Tokyo, Japan arising out of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and collapse
China and Taiwan – Syntax Brillian Corporation Liquidating Trust. Acted as lead trial counsel for the post-confirmation Syntax/Brillian Corporation Liquidating Trust arising out of this former publicly traded HDTV television manufacturer’s losses in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Claims were investigated and pursued against financial institutions, corporations and professional firms in the federal courts of Los Angeles, Delaware and Arizona as well as international claims in Taiwan and China.